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The importance of ISO 20022 for Custodian Banks

June 25, 2024

Custodian banks play a critical role in the financial ecosystem by safeguarding assets and handling transactions for institutional investors. Therefore, efficient and secure communication of financial information is paramount. This is where the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) system comes in, providing a standardised network for financial messaging.In recent years, the adoption of ISO 20022 has become a game-changer for SWIFT messaging, offering significant advantages in terms of data quality, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance.

Understanding ISO Formats

ISO standards, particularly ISO 20022, are designed to standardise financial transactions. ISO 20022 is a comprehensive standard for electronic data interchange between financial institutions. It supports various financial operations, including payments, securities, foreign exchange, and trade services. Compared to its predecessor, ISO 15022, ISO 20022 offers richer, more structured data, enhancing the precision and efficiency of financial messaging.

Key Features of ISO 20022 for Custodian Banks

ISO 20022 stands out due to several key features that promote efficiency for financial institutions.

Rich, Structured Data Elements

ISO 20022 facilitates the transmission of highly detailed and structured information between financial institutions. Unlike previous messaging formats, which often relied on free-text fields prone to errors and misinterpretation, ISO 20022 messages are standardised and include specific data elements for each type of transaction. This richness of data enables custodian banks to exchange comprehensive information about transactions, counterparties, and financial instruments, improving accuracy and reducing the risk of errors.


One of the significant advantages of ISO 20022 is its flexibility. The standard is designed to accommodate various types of financial transactions, including payments, securities, foreign exchange, and trade services. This versatility makes the format suitable for a wide range of financial operations conducted by custodian banks, from settling securities trades to processing corporate actions.Moreover, ISO 20022 can adapt to evolving business requirements and regulatory changes, ensuring that custodian banks can continue to leverage the standard effectively in the future.

Enhanced Support for Complex Instruments

ISO 20022 provides enhanced support for complex financial instruments and transactions. With the rise of sophisticated financial products such as derivatives, structured products, and alternative investments, custodian banks need messaging standards capable of handling the intricacies of these instruments. ISO 20022’s robust data model allows for the representation of complex instrument types, along with associated attributes and lifecycle events.This capability enables custodian banks to accurately process and report on a wide range of financial instruments, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and meeting the needs of their clients.

Transforming Custody Operations with ISO 20022 and SWIFT

Implementation in Custodian Banks

Migrating to ISO 20022 for SWIFT messaging involves several implementation steps that need to be followed in order to ensure a smooth transition.

Assessment and Planning

The first step in implementing ISO 20022 is to assess the current state of the bank’s messaging infrastructure and identify areas that need improvement. This may involve conducting a gap analysis to identify any discrepancies between the existing messaging format and ISO 20022 standards. Based on this assessment, custodian banks can develop a comprehensive implementation plan that outlines the steps, timelines, and resources required for the migration.

Technical Infrastructure Upgrades

Migrating to ISO 20022 may require upgrading or replacing existing messaging systems to ensure compatibility with the new standard. This could involve implementing new software solutions, upgrading hardware infrastructure, or integrating with third-party vendors that support ISO 20022 messaging. Custodian banks must carefully evaluate their technical requirements and select solutions that meet their needs while minimizing disruption to operations.

Testing and Validation

Before fully deploying ISO 20022 messaging, custodian banks must conduct thorough testing and validation to ensure the new system operates as intended. This may involve testing individual message types, conducting end-to-end testing with counterparties, and validating data integrity and accuracy. Comprehensive testing helps identify and address any issues or discrepancies early in the implementation process, reducing the risk of disruptions or errors post-deployment.However, there are also a few considerations before the implementation of new ISO formats that need to be addressed beforehand, to ensure efficiency and best results.

Technical Infrastructure Upgrades

Upgrading technical infrastructure can be complex and resource-intensive, requiring significant investments in software, hardware, and IT resources. Custodian banks must carefully plan and budget for these upgrades to ensure a smooth transition to the new SWIFT messaging.

Training and Change Management

Implementing ISO 20022 requires training staff in the new messaging format and processes. This includes educating employees on the structure and syntax of the protocol, as well as providing training on any new software or systems introduced as part of the migration.Additionally, custodian banks must effectively communicate the benefits of the transition to employees and stakeholders to ensure buy-in and full support of the process.

Compatibility with Legacy Systems

Integrating ISO 20022 messaging with existing legacy systems can be challenging, particularly if these systems were not designed to support the new standard. Custodian banks may need to develop custom interfaces or middleware to facilitate communication between ISO 20022-compliant systems and legacy applications.Additionally, data mapping and transformation may be required to convert existing message formats to ISO 20022 standards, adding complexity to the implementation process.

Benefits of ISO 20022 for Custodian Banks

Adopting ISO 20022 brings substantial benefits to custodian banks, towards more sustainable and efficient processes.

Streamlined Operations

By standardising data elements and message formats, ISO 20022 enables custodian banks to automate the processing of transactions, from trade settlement to corporate actions. This automation not only speeds up transaction processing but also minimises the risk of errors and exceptions, resulting in more robust operations.

Enhanced Risk Management

ISO 20022 provides custodian banks with richer and more detailed transaction data, enabling better risk assessment and management. By capturing comprehensive information about transactions, counterparties, and financial instruments, ISO 20022 enhances the granularity and accuracy of data available for risk analysis. Custodian banks can leverage this detailed data to identify and mitigate risks more effectively, whether it’s credit risk, risk, or operational risk.Additionally, the standardised format improves the consistency and reliability of risk data across different systems and departments, enhancing the bank’s overall risk management framework and regulatory compliance.

Improved Customer Service

With standardised data formats and messaging protocols, ISO 20022 streamlines communication between the institutions and their clients, reducing processing times and improving responsiveness. Clients benefit from quicker settlement of trades, faster resolution of inquiries, and more timely reporting of account information.ISO 20022 also supports richer and more detailed reporting capabilities, allowing custodian banks to provide clients with comprehensive insights into their investment portfolios and transactions. By delivering superior customer service, custodian banks can strengthen client relationships and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

Greater Transparency and Traceability

ISO 20022 enhances transparency and traceability in financial transactions by standardising data elements and message formats. Thus, Custodian banks can capture detailed information about transactions, including timestamps, transaction identifiers, and participant details. The comprehensive data enables custodian banks to track the lifecycle of transactions more effectively, from initiation to settlement.Additionally, the standardised format improves the consistency and accuracy of transaction data, making it easier for custodian banks to reconcile accounts, identify discrepancies, and audit transaction trails.

Custodian operations at the forefront

ISO 20022 for SWIFT messaging is a strategic investment for custodian banks, offering enhanced data quality, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance. By adopting this standard, Custodian Banks can ensure their remaining competitive and compliant in an increasingly complex financial realm. The transition to ISO 20022 is not without challenges, but the long-term benefits make it a worthwhile endeavor for any forward-thinking custodian.Axia Custody is a dedicated solution tailored to the unique needs of custodian banks, providing comprehensive support for ISO 20022 messaging and compliance. Utilising the platform’s powerful capabilities, custodians can streamline their operations while ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements.The platform offers robust features for automating transaction processing, managing risk, and enhancing customer experience.