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Become a Member

FinanceMalta membership is open to entities operating within the financial services and legal industry and those contributing to the growth that Malta’s financial services industry is experiencing through the work of FinanceMalta

View memberships

Why Become a Member?

We welcome applications from entities who would like to join the FinanceMalta community, participate in our initiatives and support efforts to promote Malta as an International Financial Centre of repute.

The entities operating in the following fields are eligible to apply provided that they meet the necessary criteria as established in the links below: 

  • Accounting/Auditing
  • Banks & Financial Institutions
  • Corporate Services;
  • Collective Investment Schemes
  • Fund Administrators
  • Listed & Public Companies
  • Insurance
  • Investment Services
  • Management Consultancy
  • Pensions
  • Trustees & Fiduciaries
  • Taxation
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Blockchain and Digital Assets
  • Capital Markets
  • Corporate and Trust Service Providers
  • Cybersecurity & IT Service Providers
  • ESG-focused Entities
  • Financial Services & Investment Associations
  • FinTech & RegTech
  • Law Firms & Legal Advisors

Entities in the following sectors are also welcome to become FinanceMalta members:

  • Accommodation & Hospitality
  • Business & Professional Services
  • Education
  • Fintech
  • Logistics / Freight Forwarding
  • Media Organisations
  • Real Estate
  • Recruitment Services
  • Telecommunications & IT, and
  • Travel & Transport
  • Aviation
  • Digital Marketing Agencies
  • Shipping and Maritime

FinanceMalta Memberships



This membership type is suitable for small organisations.

€ 300 EUR

(incl. vat)
Buy now


This membership type is suitable for small to medium organisations.

€ 400 EUR

(incl. vat)
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This membership type is suitable for medium sized organisations.

€ 500 EUR

(incl. vat)
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101 -150

This membership type is suitable for medium to large sized organisations.

€ 600 EUR

(incl. vat)
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This membership type is suitable for large sized organisations.

€ 700 EUR

(incl. vat)
Buy now


This membership type is suitable for large corporations.

€ 950 EUR

(incl. vat)
Buy now

All FinanceMalta members can benefit from the following opportunities

International Event Opportunities

Regular opportunities to attend events as a delegate or speaker and showcase your firm on the international scene under the umbrella of FinanceMalta.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship preference for events organised by FinanceMalta

Networking Opportunities

Direct access to the experience and knowledge of fellow members through online material and business networking events

Marketing and PR Initiatives

Attend partner seminars, training and workshops on a wide range of specialist subjects at heavily discounted rates; some events are complimentary and include CPE hours

Business Directory Listing

Have your company profile with logo and contact details in the FinanceMalta online membership directory, including a link to own website

Brand & Event Promotion

Ongoing opportunities to generate brand and event awareness among FinanceMalta members and third-party affiliates, both locally and internationally

Access to the ‘Members only’ section of the FinanceMalta website

Opportunity to publish white papers and articles on our website, and to contribute articles to the quarterly FinanceMalta Insight newsletter distributed both locally and internationally

Access to the ‘Members only’ section of the FinanceMalta website

Opportunity to publish white papers and articles on our website, and to contribute articles to the quarterly FinanceMalta Insight newsletter distributed both locally and internationally

Updated Information

Receive regular updates, newsletters, and publications on relevant issues within the financial services industry in Malta

Mondaq Content Reshare

FinanceMalta has an agreement with Mondaq, meaning that any article published on the FinanceMalta website will be reshared on Mondaq, extending reach and visibility.

Discounted Passes for the FinanceMalta Annual Conference

Exclusive discounts on delegate passes for the largest financial services event in Malta.

#FinTalks Podcast Series (Free Recording Sessions)

Gain exposure through FinanceMalta’s FinTalks podcast, offering thought leadership and promoting Malta’s financial services sector globally.

Joint Webinars with FinanceMalta (Free Collaboration)

Co-host webinars with FinanceMalta to highlight expertise, promote Malta as a financial hub, and attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

Frequently Asked Questions

We're here to help with any questions you have about plans, pricing, and supported features.

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We welcome applications from such corporate entities who would like to join the FinanceMalta community, participate in our initiatives and support efforts to promote Malta as an International Financial Centre of repute. The entities operating in the following fields are eligible to apply:

Accommodation & Hospitality

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Accounting / Auditing

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Banks & Financial Institutions

Credit institutions licensed by the MFSA in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371 – Laws of Malta) and branches of EEA credit institutions, as well as financial institutions that are licensed by the MFSA in terms of the Financial Institutions Act (Cap. 376 – Laws of Malta). (Financial Institutions include three types of licence: Payment Institutions, Electronic Money Institutions and other Financial Institutions.)

Business & Professional Services

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Corporate Services

All entities based in Malta that provide some type of corporate service including the incorporation of Maltese companies, ship & yacht registration, re-domiciliation of companies to Malta, company directorship and management services in Malta, company secretarial services, back office support and administration from Malta, payroll services in Malta, and opening of bank accounts.

Collective Investment Schemes

Any Collective Investment Scheme licensed under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370 – Laws of Malta).


Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.


Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Fund Administration

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Institutions & Public Companies

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.


Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Investment Services

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Law Firms

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Logistics / Freight Forwarding

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Management Consultancy

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Media Organisations

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Pensions & Retirement

These include Asset Managers, Retirement Fund Administrators, Retirement Fund Custodians, Retirement Funds, Retirement Scheme Administrators and Retirement Schemes, as licensed by the MFSA under the Special Funds (Regulation) Act (Cap. 450 – Laws of Malta).

Real Estate

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Recruitment Services

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Tax Services

Firms that provide tax advice as a specialist service.

Telecommunications & IT

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Travel & Transport

Firms licensed by the Accountancy Board in Malta to provide accounting or auditing services. The firm’s name should appear on the Accountancy Board’s register.

Trustees and Fiduciaries

rustees, Administrators of foundations and other entities that are authorised to provide fiduciary services by the MFSA under the Trusts and Trustees Act (Cap. 331 – Laws of Malta).