
Episode 32: AI and Big Data

In this episode, we have a chat with David Shrier, Futurist | Professor of Practice, Imperial College Business School about "AI and Big Data".

In this episode, we have a chat with David Shrier, Futurist | Professor of Practice, Imperial College Business School about "AI and Big Data".

Speaker Bio:David Shrier is a globally recognized expert on financial innovation. He is Professor of Practice, Imperial College Business School where he is co-founding the Centre for Digital Transformation, and holds C-level roles with public and private companies. He has worked with over 100 governments to build Fintech ecosystems. David specializes in helping established organizations build innovative capacity, having developed $10 billion of value-creation opportunities for Fortune 500 companies and leading private equity and VC funds. He is known for creating the four most profitable online classes in history for MIT and Oxford, in the process pioneering a new $1bn+ category.

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