Recruiting in 2023?
November 30, 2022
2022 has been a challenging year for most employers – competing against other firms, and sectors, coupled with a general shortage of talent, particularly in areas such as finance, legal, compliance, and information security, to name but a few.2023 is not going to change much, on the contrary, given the overall sentiment of the economy at a Global scale, you will find that talent will be increasingly “cautious” in moving jobs and employers, and they will eerr on the side of stability.If you are planning to recruit in 2023, here are a few key ideas you can implement, to enhance your proposition as an employer:
- Stability
Not to sound too prophetic, but, stability, will be the key trend going into 2023.As an employer, the more you demonstrate sound fiscal responsibility and planning, the better your chances will be in attracting talent.Professionals want to know, now more than ever, that when making a move, their job won’t disappear within 3 months.During the interview, make it a point to share with the professionals, at the appropriate detail level, naturally, your planning strategies, investments, and commitment.
- Flexibility and Trust
Remote / hybrid / in office, whatever works and is most appropriate, but you must not lose sight, as an employer, that the underlying motivation is flexibility and trust.During the interview, highlight the approach your business takes, and the management style and incorporate frequent feedback loops to tackle problems early on.
- Sound Corporate Governance Structures
Whether you are a regulated entity or not, sound corporate governance structure and principles will play a key role in your employer proposition.Professionals want to ensure that they will be part of a business that is run in a way that transcends legal compliance and they will look at ethics, integrity, and overall market reputation. During the interview, highlight your soft values, achievements, implementation, and overall direction that the business wants to be known for.These are just a few of the key areas that will help you, the employer, highlight and nuance your proposition to prospective employees, in what will continue to be, a competitive talent landscape.If you are a business based in Malta or planning to set up in Malta and you’d like to have an informal, non-obligation chat, about recruitment in 2023, reach out to Fran Moisa on