Industry Update /
FM Search Limited

It's all about the people - FinanceMalta Annual Conference

December 2, 2022

It was an honor moderating the “It’s all about the people” Panel during the FinanceMalta conference, where we touched upon academia, student engagement, and human capital migration.

I'd like to thank FinanceMalta for the superb conference organised and to the Panelists, Col. Mark Mallia - Identity Malta, Dr. Emanuel Said - University of Malta and Mr. Andrew Galea - MCAST, for their wonderful insights and contribution.We also had a very valuable contribution from Mr. Joseph Farrugia from Malta’s Employer Association where he highlighted the necessity and value add in focusing on careers and not just jobs.Here are a few key takeaways that we can all achieve, stakeholders and industry alike, in improving our attractiveness as a jurisdiction from a human capital perspective:

  • Expand research and internship opportunities between students/academia and employers: engage students early on in topical matters, to enhance their natural curiosity and help them apply theoretical knowledge into practice
  • Students are increasingly choosing more general subjects, rather than specialism: this shows that we must move away from a linear mentality and engage professionals and students from different walks of life and study and focus on their motivation, rather than what’s on paper
  • Flexibility is key both for employers and employees, students, and academia: we must create more opportunities for distance learning, blended learning, evening learning, and short courses
  • Focus on soft skills and added value when engaging employees: careers not jobs. People don’t stay in jobs, but they do stay in careers

One of the interesting key mentions from the audience survey is that if given the opportunity and tools, more employers would embrace remote working.Here’s what employers need now to make remote working a more successful reality and possibility:

  • Incentives for employers to be able to offer, where possible, remote work allowances
  • Training and support towards succession planning and remote human capital management

As a headhunter and talent advisor, having specialised in the Malta market for over 9 years and previously, in the London market for what feels like an eternity ( it was not ), regardless of the decade we are in, this is what employees are after every single time:

  • Stability
  • Flexibility and Trust
  • Sound and effective corporate governance structures that transcend legal compliance and enhance society and stakeholder values

If you would like to talk more about your talent recruitment and retention, feel free to reach out to Fran Moisa at