Industry Update /
Fairwinds Management Limited

Investing in Malta

August 23, 2022

Malta has been on the investment radar for many years thanks to many dynamic and active industries on the island. The government assists well in promoting Malta as a financial hub and is always on the forefront to create new opportunities for investors. In most recent years, this can be seen through a focus on business areas for the pharmaceutical industry, medical cannabis industry, fintech companies, blockchain, AI and more. Recently Malta saw the first exports for medical cannabis products, a milestone for the island.

Undoubtedly, Malta’s fiscal framework has contributed to its investment growth, thus making Malta a popular choice for business owners to incorporate their company here. Our system is a full imputation tax system which eliminates double taxation. The extensive double tax treaty network means that with proper planning and structuring, companies can achieve considerable fiscal efficiency in Malta.

Apart from this, Malta also has a lot to offer to businesses to run the full operations of a new investment. For instance, everyone in Malta is fully fluent in English language, and the island has an advanced IT infrastructure and an excellent educated workforce, making Malta attractive for a company to operate their head offices. In addition, Malta is politically stable and has a good geographical location connecting it to the rest of world with many daily flights. Moreover, it offers a safe environment for individuals and families who want to relocate here.

Here are some other reasons why Malta is a great place for investments:

  • Pro-business environment
  • Excellent business etiquette
  • A startup hub
  • Outsourcing opportunities
  • A respected jurisdiction for company formations
  • Many grants and funding opportunities
  • A stable international reputation
  • A good legal system
  • Property investments with excellent ROI
  • EU Member state with political stability
  • Strong economy
  • Convenient time zone with strategic geographical location
  • Great weather all year round
  • Friendly and hospitable locals
  • Variety of social activities for all ages
  • Abundance of history and heritage
  • Beautiful sea with many lovely beaches
  • Reasonable cost of living
  • Excellent schooling and medical services.

Malta has always been open for businesses especially to startups and new ventures, and this is evermore so now that Malta is off the FAFT grey list . New businesses are key players to new economy, generating money for everyone, creating new employment opportunities, and contributing to the country’s GDP. Building a competitive economy and attracting foreign direct investments (FDI) should be a key part of any modern and solid country.