Industry Update /
Bank of Valletta

Innovative ideas at the Youth 4 Enterpreneurship - Gozo

November 19, 2020

Marthese Cassar and Chrismar Xuereb are this year’s winners of the Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo 2020.

The two youths clinched a prize of €500 for their innovative idea to install kinetic floor tiles in strategic, high traffic positions in Gozo to generate a source of clean renewable energy that can be used to power anything from street lighting to malls, billboards and sports fields.

The Gozo Business Chamber, in collaboration with Bank of Valletta, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, the Europe Direct Information Centre (Gozo), and the Ministry for the Economy, Investment, and Small Businesses organised this second edition of the Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo.

This year the contest focused on the aspect of sustainability in line with the European Union’s commitment towards the Green Deal. The overall goal of this initiative was to instil confidence in young people enabling them to reach their full potential, direct their attention to the economic potential and challenges facing the Island of Gozo, whilst encouraging them to adopt an innovative approach to develop their business ideas. Leading up to the event, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ organised coaching sessions specifically dedicated to youths interested in participating in the Youth 4 Entrepreneurship initiative.

Ideas ranged from kinetic floor tiles in high traffic areas; eco-friendly boats for travel around Gozo; dedicated compost areas and selling of compost output for agriculture and gardening; green business parks, and the mitigation of food waste and provision of high quality food to those in need; to the revival of the art of wool weaving. The eight participants presented their business ideas to a judging panel. The Hon. Clint Camilleri, Minister for Gozo congratulated the youths for their innovative ideas and entrepreneurship and presented them with a certificate of participation.

The panel was composed of Mark Scicluna Bartoli, Executive EU and Institutional Affairs at Bank of Valletta; Isabelle Mallia, Manager Community and Outreach Youth Work Services at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ; Anthony Hili, Entrepreneur at Massar Winery; Marita Portelli, Senior Manager at the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses; and Matthew Caruana, a leading business innovator, and manager at ZAAR, a leading crowdfunding platform in Malta. The event was presented by Dr Joselyn Teuma and addressed by the Head of the European Commission Representation in Malta Dr Elena Grech, the CEO of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ Miriam Teuma and the President of the Gozo Business Chamber, Joseph Borg.

The Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo 2020 was one of the activities organised for the SME Week.

Issued by Bank of Valletta p.l.c., 58, Triq San Zakkarija, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1130. Bank of Valletta p.l.c. is a public limited company regulated by the MFSA and is licensed to carry out the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371 of the Laws of Malta).