BOV staff challenge inequality and gender bias
March 10, 2021
On the 8 March, marking this year’s International Women’s Day, BOV staff shed off their work attire, reported to work wearing purple for justice and dignity and chose to commit to an inclusive world.Staff working remotely during the pandemic virtually joined their colleagues at branches and units and together they raised their hands committing to challenge gender bias and inequality, to call out any type of abuse on women and to celebrate women’s achievements - not just on Women’s Day but every day of the year. Furthermore, staff members collected funds towards helping vulnerable women living in shelters due to domestic violence, homelessness and other difficulties such as addiction, mental health, relationship and familial issues.“This year we decided to spread awareness for gender equality, by participating in the 2021 IWD theme #ChoosetoChallenge. As usual, our staff responded to our call of action in a fantastic way. It’s great to see our staff commit to challenge, regardless of their gender,” stated Claudette Pace, one of the initiative’s organisers at Bank of Valletta. “Unfortunately, in 2021 we still witness inequality – and this does not stop at gender pay gaps or C-suite glass ceilings. These past months were an eye opener. Regardless of the progress done over the past 50 years, a pandemic made us lose momentum, and women had to once again put a break on their careers, women battled at the frontline in the riskiest jobs, more women faced domestic violence and financial security was once again swept from under their feet. So yes, we need to constantly challenge and strive towards equality both in the workplace and our society.”“At Bank of Valletta, we are working steadfastly towards reaching the UN SDG goal of gender equality and women empowerment. As an institution, with 60% of our workforce made of women and 49% of our management roles held by women, we strongly believe that diverse traits and skills make our business stronger. As part of our ESG commitment, we encourage better sharing of family life duties between genders; offer remote working opportunities, provide dedicated leadership training for women and strive to reduce barriers for our female employees to reach senior leadership positions. From a community point of view, we encourage girls to take up ambitious careers and support causes that strive to help women achieve their dignity and independence.”We are incredibly proud of our inspirational women who have contributed to the success of Bank of Valletta throughout the years. And we commit to continue challenging the way we lead and the way we act, striving to break any ceilings and boundaries from within. Because, that is the only way we can continue to grow and flourish – diversely together.”To view the BOV Choose to Challenge Campaign video clip please visit