Industry Update /
Bank of Valletta


September 28, 2023

Customer Experience (CX) Day is an international event dedicated to recognising and celebrating the significance of customers, organisations, employees, and all those involved in making customer experiences memorable. For the second consecutive year, Bank of Valletta is proud to be joining hundreds of other institutions across the world to mark Customer Experience Day, with a series of initiatives planned from the 2nd to the 6th of October.During the BOV CX Week, customers will be invited to share their valuable feedback with staff as well as members of the Bank’s executive management team who will be visiting branches and other customer touchpoints to personally connect with clients. This hands-on interaction allows customers to be heard, offering crucial insights into the areas where service improvements are most needed. As part of this experience, employees will also be providing guidance to customers on harnessing the full potential of digital channels including ATMs and internet or mobile banking services.Speaking about Customer Experience Week, Simon Azzopardi, Chief Personal and Wealth Officer at Bank of Valletta said, “Excellent customer experience is at the heart of everything we do. We continue to work relentlessly to improve the service we offer across all our touchpoints. This year we have extended branch opening hours, introduced priority opening times for senior citizens, improved our ATM interface, and improved internal processes to shorten the time to delivery. We are also in the process of upgrading our branches to provide service in a more comfortable and modern environment. Excellent service is a journey, and Customer Experience Week is an important opportunity for us to gain essential knowledge that will help us along the way. This special occasion will allow us to understand better our customer’s aspirations and to tailor our services accordingly.”Theodoros Papadopoulos, BOV’s Chief Digital Officer, emphasised the bank's unwavering dedication to service excellence. "At Bank of Valletta, our aim is to consistently elevate the quality of our service, ensuring that every interaction resonates positively with our customers, making them feel appreciated. We actively listen and engage with our clients, especially when introducing new services, and always welcome their feedback. Last year, over 24,000 customers participated in our Voice of the Customer Programme and this year we are taking this further by co-designing solutions and testing them with our customers. In tandem with refining our traditional services, we're deeply invested in enhancing our digital platforms, making banking more convenient and user-friendly. Our promise to incessantly improve our offerings stands firm. Achieving unparalleled customer satisfaction requires dedication, and we're committed to channel our energy to make every customer's journey exceptional. Customer Experience Week offers a pivotal moment for us to reflect on and live out this ethos."Throughout the week, several initiatives including the airing of informative video clips, interactive webinars and educational quizzes, will also be held for all BOV employees. These engaging activities are designed to reinforce the bank’s commitment to nurture a customer-centric mindset across the organisation and to serve as a reminder that customers are at the very heart of the bank’s operations.