February 22, 2025
Bank of Valletta is consolidating its strategic partnership with Microsoft through a series of business activities as part of its digital transformation journey, introducing a new Cloud Centre of Excellence, dedicated to accelerating cloud adoption and fostering a culture of technological innovation. The Bank will also implement AI-driven sustainability initiatives to optimise energy consumption and enhance operational efficiency, aligning with the Bank’s sustainability goals.
The new Cloud Centre of Excellence, is part of the Bank’s digital transformation journey through its strategic partnership with Microsoft, reinforcing its commitment to innovation and its focus on providing secure, efficient, and future-ready financial services. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft, which was formalised at BOV Centre in Santa Venera, represents a pivotal step in BOV’s commitment to digital excellence, modernising its operations, enhancing cybersecurity and delivering an elevated experience for its customers.
Kenneth Farrugia, the Bank’s CEO, emphasised the importance of this collaboration: “Partnering with Microsoft enables us, as a leading financial institution, to harness the power of transformative technologies to better serve our customers. By leveraging Microsoft’s cutting-edge technologies and expertise, in the fields of cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced security solutions, the Bank will accelerate its digital strategy and strengthen its position as a leader in the evolving financial landscape. This initiative forms part of our strategy to make banking smarter, safer and more accessible to our customers, enhancing the rate of innovation in an equally rapidly changing industry.”
Björn Ekstedt, Chief Information Officer tal-Bank, enfasizza l-irwol tat-teknoloġija fit-tfassil tal-futur tas-servizzi finanzjarji. “Din il-kollaborazzjoni tippermettilna nintegraw soluzzjonijiet innovattivi li se jtejbu l-kapaċitajiet diġitali tagħna. Permezz ta' din l-isħubija, il-Bank se jimmodernizza l-infrastruttura tiegħu billi jibbenefika minn Microsoft Azure, Dan se jwassal għal aktar aġillità, skalabilità u effiċjenza operattiva. L-integrazzjoni tal-IA f'diversi aspetti tan-negozju se ttejjeb it-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet u tgħin fl-awtomazzjoni ta' funzjonijiet amministrattivi ewlenin, filwaqt li għodod avvanzati taċ-ċibersigurtà se jsaħħu d-difiżi tal-Bank kontra theddid li qed joħroġ fid-dinja. L-għan aħħari tagħna huwa li nibnu Bank avvanzat diġitali li jagħti prijorità lis-sigurtà, l-innovazzjoni u esperjenza eċċezzjonali tal-klijent.
Microsoft was represented by Ms Yanna Andronopoulou, General Manager for Microsoft Greece, Cyprus, and Malta, and Mr Antonis Oikonomou, Enterprise Commercial Director. Both expressed enthusiasm for the partnership, reaffirming their commitment to supporting BOV’s transformation. Ms Andronopoulou stated, “We are proud to collaborate with Bank of Valletta, driving innovation and resilience in the Maltese financial services sector. Our technology and expertise will empower BOV to deliver forward-thinking financial services that meet the stringent needs of today’s digital-first customers.”