A GBC and BOV debate on Women in Entrepreneurship and Business
April 12, 2021
Grasping opportunities is what all women should do
Four women, entrepreneurs or in business, shared their experiences and the daily challenges they face in their roles during the latest webinar ‘Women in Entrepreneurship and Business’ hosted by The Gozo Business Chamber and Bank of Valletta.“Just like men, women are politicians, in sports, in business, family members and most of all, leaders,” stated Joseph Borg, President of The Gozo Business Chamber. “While we are facing tumultuous adverse circumstances, we cannot allow gender disparities to separate us, so the challenge needs to be taken up by all of us together.”“I notice that a number of women seem discouraged to take up senior roles and current work arrangements rarely contribute to push women towards these roles,” claimed Elaine Camilleri, Partner Tax Services at ACT. When debating on the current gender gap within society, Ms Camilleri said that on average, women earn 14.1% less than men in terms of salaries. “Developing teams with diversified characters may contribute to bridge unwanted gender inequalities.”Alda Bugeja, an entrepreneur in the local crafts and artisanal sector, remarked that no matter what the gender, race or skin colour, employees’ creativity and commitment should always be of more import than any other factor. Ms Bugeja also defined the current gender gap to be a cause of an initial skills gap. “We should start improving capabilities of our workforce in several areas from the very commencing stages of education.”“Setting a goal, grasping any opportunities and taking the big leap is what all women should do,” said Marie Grech, Director at Frank Salt Real Estate. Ms Grech also believes that helping women in their own personal lives can push them further towards excelling their career. “In some instances, women require additional flexibility in their jobs to be able to cope with both work and home. Remote working opportunities can provide that flexibility.”“Working at BOV has helped me build a diversified skill set,” said Victoria Azzopardi, EU & Institutional Affairs Analyst at Bank of Valletta. Ms Azzopardi remarked that the promotion of women in senior roles is a crucial aspect of an equal and fair work environment. “Bank of Valletta is a pioneer in the development of employee talent and potential, no matter what the gender,” stated Ms Azzopardi.The webinar was supported by the Ministry for Gozo NGO Assistance Scheme, a funding programme for Voluntary Organisations on the Island of Gozo. A recording of this webinar can be viewed on https://youtu.be/1r6yD1Z-mz8. These webinars are purely for information purposes. Any information during this session is not and should not be construed as an offer or recommendation to sell or solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or subscribe for any product. Issued by Bank of Valletta p.l.c., 58, Triq San Zakkarija, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1130. Bank of Valletta p.l.c. is a public limited company regulated by the MFSA and is licensed to carry out the business of banking and investment services in terms of the Banking Act (Cap.371 of the Laws of Malta) and the Investment Services Act (Cap.370 of the Laws of Malta).