The Interplay of Corporate Governance & Compliance
BACKGROUND INFORMATIONRecently, corporate governance issues have received increased attention from different stakeholders, and not just the local and international regulators. The main aim has been to correct organisations' superficial or weak internal governance practices. What are the expectations?OBJECTIVES OF THIS SESSIONThe objective of the session to be delivered by Dr Rakele Cini is to evaluate the concept of corporate governance and its relationship with the compliance culture within organisations.TOPICS ON THE AGENDAo Understanding the importance of good corporate governanceo The role of directors, executive and non-executiveo Compliance as a Risko The role of the Compliance Officer
Why Attend?
- Directors
- Company Secretaries
- Compliance Officers
- Professionals who are in the process of taking such a role.
Agenda Highlights:
- 13:15 - Registration Time
- 13:30 - 16:45 - Session time including a 15 minute coffee break
Confirmed Speakers
- Dr Rakele Cini
Dr Rakele Cini is a legal consultant with many years of experience in AML/CFT, regulatory and compliance advisory. She primarily advises local & international firms / practitioners operating within the regulated industries on matters relating to the prevention of money laundering & funding of terrorism, due diligence, risk management, good governance, and other compliance areas.
The Interplay of Corporate Governance & Compliance
March 24, 2020
Lower Ground (LG), Tower Training Centre, Swatar
MIA Malta