The EC’s Tax Action Plan 2020
The seminar will discuss the 25 point action plan launched by the European Commission on 15 July 2020. The action plan proposes major changes to the entire EU Tax System. The EU’s VAT framework is expected to change too. Measures proposed include alignments to tax residence rules, a reform to the Code of Conduct, a DAC 7, a review of the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions and several other measures. The 25 point action plan is expected to have an impact on the entire Maltese tax system.From citizenship schemes to non-doms and from non-doms to low effective tax regimes, the EU’s Tax Action plan promises major changes. Proposals include measures relating to crypto-currency and e-money too. VAT measures and new VAT registration systems will play a key role. The seminar will speculate on how the EU’s ambitious action plan could impact on the Maltese tax system.
To take the participants through the 25-point action plan speculating on how it will impact on Malta.
Why Attend?
Agenda Highlights:
- 09:15 - 12:30 - incl. 15 minute break -
- Prelude to the Action Plan
- Reform of the Code of Conduct for Business Taxation
- Review of the EU List of Non-CO-operative Jurisdictions
- Improved Measures to Reinforce Good Governance
- Supporting Partner Countries in Tax Good Governance
- DAC7
- Recommendations relating to Tax Recovery
- Transformation of the VAT Committee
- Evaluation of the VAT Scheme for Travel Agents
- Compliance framework for tax administrations
- Establishment of Expert Group on Transfer Pricing
- Data Analytics and Digital Solutions
- Charter on Taxpayer’s rights
- Extension of automatic exchange of information to crypto-currency and E-money
- Simplification of VAT rules for Financial Services
- Dispute Resolution
- Digital Solutions to levy tax at source
- Consistency of Tax Residence Rules
- Better quality & use of data
- Review VAT Rules on Passenger Transport
- VAT dispute prevention and resolution mechanisms
- VAT Package for the Digital Age
- E-commerce package for Excise Goods
- Eurofisc 2.0
- Verifications of Cross-Border transactions
- VAT Administrative Cooperation EU & Third Countries
Confirmed Speakers
- Dr Robert Attard - Robert is Partner and Tax Policy Leader, EY, Central & South East Europe, a tenured senior lecturer at the University of Malta, a fellow of GREIT and member of the European Association of Tax Law Professors. In the IBFD’s 2015-2017 General Report on the Protection of Taxpayers’ Rights he was described as a well-known authority broadly experienced in the practical protection of taxpayers’ rights and a prominent member of the legal practice. Having served as a panellist at the 2015 IFA Congress he forms part of a study group of the International Law Association on the “Protection of Taxpayers’ Rights” (co-chaired by Advocate General Juliane Kokott and Pasquale Pistone) and is also a member of the Supervisory Council of the IBFD/IFA’s “Observatory on the Protection of Taxpayers’ Rights”. He has served as Visiting Professor at the University of Ferrara paying lecturing/speaking visits at Queen Mary (University of London), CTL (University of Cambridge), Salerno (with Wirtshaftsuniversitat Wien and Naples II) and the University of Palermo. The Maltese Court of Appeal has described him as a leading commentator on tax law referring to his publications in its judgements. Robert developed a detailed knowledge of tax aspects of the European Convention on Human Rights drafting submissions in cases filed against France, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Malta. Robert is a published author on tax law publishing articles in European Taxation, EC Tax Review and the British Tax Review. He has contributed to several publications including a book published by Hart Publishing, 3 books published by the IBFD and several books published by the MIM. Philip Baker remarks that ‘Single-handedly, Robert is generating the literature which explains the structure and nuances of the system in Malta. One wishes other countries had similar authors who could write similarly enticing books to explain their tax codes.” Robert has argued most of Malta's leading tax cases including landmark judgments John Geranzi v. PM (right to justice within a reasonable time), Zahra v. PM (non bis in idem), Farrugia v. PM (taxation as a violation of the right to property) and Case 160 of 2012 (tax transparency).
The EC’s Tax Action Plan 2020
August 4, 2020
Online Webinar
€20 - €75
The Malta Institute of Accountants