The CSP Rulebook and Applications: Q&A part 2 Webinar
Crunch time is upon us! Certain applications for authorisation in terms of the newly fledged CSP Rulebook are due by 16 May. There remain questions about the interpretation of many of its requirements and how some of the rules are to be understood and complied with.There is material available to people seeking to understand their obligations, starting with the MFSA’s website which, besides the rulebook and application themselves also includes an FAQ document, and the IFSP’s Q&A document distributed to members recently. While useful this is not exhaustive.The IFSP is therefore holding a further Q&A seminar, with the participation of a representative of the MFSA and leading CSP practitioners, at which specific questions will be tackled and guidance provided. Led by Nick Captur, the session is planned for Friday, 7 May, starting at 16:30 and running for about two hours.The Q&A seminar is open to all practitioners who will be affected by the new rulebook. If you still have questions on what the new regime entails, register for this seminar!And please remember: do send us your questions, queries and comments on the CSP Rulebook and the application process for consideration during the session. And more: also send us your comments on the application process: the IFSP will continue to look at this new regulatory framework for CSPs and raise any issues that arise from its implementation with the MFSA.
Why Attend?
Agenda Highlights:
Confirmed Speakers
- Nick Captur - Moderator - (IFSP, Deloitte)
- Alison Cortis - MFSA
- Etienne Borg Cardona - (IFSP, Capital Advisory)
- David Zahra - (IFSP, DZ&A)
The CSP Rulebook and Applications: Q&A part 2 Webinar
May 7, 2021