September 30, 2020

Substance Over Form Under IFRS

Substance over form is an accounting concept which means that the economic substance of transactions and events must be recorded in the financial statements rather than just their legal form in order to present a true and fair view of the affairs of the entity. This ensures that the financial statements give a complete, relevant, and accurate picture of transactions and events.This 3-hour course will provide attendees with a practical insight. The concept of substance over form will be illustrated via examples pertaining to revenue and leases. The current IFRS standards relating to revenue and leases are new. During this seminar, the provisions in the new standards relating to substance over form will be compared to the superseded standards. The superseded standards remain relevant to the Maltese reality, not only for preparers of backlogs of financial statements, but also because GAPSME resembles the superseded IFRS standards.The training course is specifically targeted to accounting professionals and students, especially those who are pursuing or intend to pursue a career in audit or financial reporting.


Why Attend?

Agenda Highlights:

  • 09:15 - 12:30 - Topics -
    • Substance Over Form – Leases
    • Substance Over Form – Revenue

Confirmed Speakers

  • Mr. John Debattista - John Debattista is a Certified Public Accountant and Registered Auditor. John is one of the founding partners at Zampa Debattista and heads the Audit and Assurance function and the firm’s IFRS Advisory Technical team. John lectures the Corporate modules at the final stages of the ACCA and ACA course for the ICAEW, Institute Chartered of Accountants for England and Wales. John is also a speaker in various audit and accounting seminars delivered by a number of institutes in Malta. He also lectures the Diploma in IFRS (DipIFR). John sits on a number of MIA committees namely, the audit, financial reporting and SMP committees.
  • Mr. Paul Zammit - Paul Zammit joined Zampa Debattista in January 2017. Paul graduated from the University of Malta after completing the Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) Degree in 2008. Paul commenced his career in audit and switched to accountancy in 2012. He spent most of his time in accountancy managing a portfolio of international clientele, before joining Zampa Debattista’s accounts department in 2017. After a few months, Paul decided to accept the internal opportunity to specialise in technical matters and increase his proficiency in reporting standards. Paul is currently involved in technical accounting and advisory assignments, whilst training and assisting internal staff and external people on IFRS technical matters.


Substance Over Form Under IFRS

September 30, 2020

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