M24030 - Lessons learnt from Quality Assurance Unit inspection visits (Webinar)
The session explains common findings that the QAU has identified when conducting reviews on completed audit engagements. Throughout this session we will be discussing the key findings and observations as indicated in the Accountancy Board’s annual report and common pitfalls of SME audits.
The session shall start off with a general background and changes effecting the profession. We shall then delve into the key visit findings, ISAs breaches and observations identified by the Quality Assurance Unit during inspection visits as well as common pitfalls of SME audits. We shall then provide recommendations and solutions that sole practitioners and audit firms should take on-board and implement to address audit findings.
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M24030 - Lessons learnt from Quality Assurance Unit inspection visits (Webinar)
April 15, 2024
The Malta Institute of Accountants