April 24, 2024

M24029 - Practical perspectives on restructuring and insolvency (Webinar)

Directive 2019/1023 (the Directive on restructuring and insolvency) has been transposed into Maltese law by virtue of the Pre-Insolvency Act (among others). The Pre-Insolvency Act establishes a fascinating regulatory framework that provides businesses with various protections when exposed to the likelihood of insolvency, with the ultimate objective of negotiating a restructuring plan that works to the benefit of debtors and creditors alike.This session will provide a brief summary of the salient regulatory details, before focusing on a practical and solution-driven review of landmark British (the UK having a restructuring framework that is similar to Malta’s) case studies in restructuring, both those which were successful and those which failed – and why.


The session will be broken into three key sections:

  • A brief introduction to the core tenets of the Pre-Insolvency Act
  • A summary of the approval thresholds of a restructuring plan and the cross-class cram-down mechanism
  • A practical overview of landmark restructuring cases in the EU, with a focus on the U

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Credit & Financial Institutions
M24029 - Practical perspectives on restructuring and insolvency (Webinar)

April 24, 2024

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The Malta Institute of Accountants

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