November 12, 2019

Implementing Organisational Change: 2-day Workshop

The objective of the workshop is to have participants acquire insights in fundamentals of organisational change, enabling them to act as a change agent themselves in: identifying relevant issues in relation to organisational development and change; dealing with resistance and other social processes effectively; diagnosing organisational issues that need to be addressed by priority; and designing an organisational change programme in their own organisation.Due to the interactive nature of the seminar, the number of participants will be contained to a few people and registrations will be accepted on a first come- first-served basis.


Why Attend?

  • People occupying positions in senior management in the public or private sector
  • People responsible for and/or in charge of, implementing organisational change within their own organisation

Agenda Highlights:

  • DAY 1 - 08:30 - Registration and Welcome Coffee
  • 09:00 - Introduction: Trends and Developments
  • 09:45 - Fundamentals and Organisational Change
  • 10:45 - Governance and Organisational Change
  • 13:00 - Lunch
  • 14:00 - Mindset, Behaviour and Organisational Culture
  • 15:30 - Coffee Break
  • 15.45 - How to Change Organisational Culture
  • 17:00 - Close of Day 1
  • DAY 2 - 08:30 - Welcome coffee
  • 09:00 - The Use of Diagnostic Tools
  • 09:45 - Change Dynamics
  • 10:30 - Coffee Break
  • 10:45 - How to Manage the Process of Change
  • 13:00 - Lunch
  • 14:00 - How to Design and Effectively Implement Change
  • 15:30 - Coffee Break
  • 15:45 - Integration: Key Success Factors
  • 17:00 - Closing of the programme

Confirmed Speakers

  • Prof. Geert W.J. Heling PhD - Geert is a senior management consultant with practical experience in training and consultancy for over 20 years. Heading his own company, Médoc Management Consulting, his projects focus on processes of business improvement, management and organisational development, change and learning. Typical projects range from organisational development and restructuring to performance improvement, training and executive coaching. Clients are large and medium sized organisations (profit and public sector). With his academic background in Cultural Psychology, he has always been intrigued by, and practically engaged in, International and Cross-Cultural Management and Education. Based on the conviction that practice in consultancy needs to be coupled with sound theory, he combines his consultancy work with a part-time position of Full Professor in Organisational Behaviour at the Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands. As a professor and consultant, Geert has travelled the world consulting, training, lecturing, conducting seminars, and doing research work.


Implementing Organisational Change: 2-day Workshop

November 12, 2019

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Palazzo de Piro, Mdina

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€750 excl. VAT

Idea Group

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