President: Mr Nick Captur
Secretary General: Mr Simon Gatt
Telephone: +356 2569 6352
Telephone: +356 2144 9212
Address: Avenue 77 Business Centre, Triq in-Negozju, Zone 3 Central Business District CBD 3010
Email: info@ifsp.org.mt
Website: www.ifsp.org.mt
The Institute of Financial Services Practitioners embraces as members those practitioners who work in the area of financial services and the aims of the Institute are:
- to promote the continued development of the financial services industry in Malta;
- to foster, advance and protect the professional and business interests of members;
- to foster co-operation among members and to serve as a focus for a common approach to issues relating to the industry;
- to promote the development of financial services in Malta;
- to acquire, generate and diffuse knowledge on the conduct of financial services;
- to establish and develop professional standards for the industry as a whole;
- to establish and maintain a code of professional conduct and practice for members: as among themselves, in their relations with the authorities and in their business with clients.
The IFSP’s Charter provides for a range of members, associate members, honorary members and student members, depending on qualifications and experience. Membership is constantly on the increase.
The Members of the Institute range from bankers to insurers to stockbrokers to lawyers, accountants and trustees. Furthermore, the Institute has interestingly and positively, served as a forum for a continuous exchange of ideas and even increased co-operation between various professions. In effect, the Institute represents a distinct and separate professional person – the financial services practitioner.
The IFSP has obtained official recognition as the body representing financial services practitioners in Malta. In fact, during the last few years, more than ever the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners has been kept abreast of developments in financial services regulation and was consulted by the competent authorities on important issues. It has kept close contact with the regulatory authorities and in particular with the MFSA and the Ministry of Finance. Through the IFSP, practitioners have communicated their suggestions and concerns in a cohesive manner to the regulatory authority and to the Government.
Furthermore, the Institute has been taking a more frontline role to the promotion of financial services outside Malta and it aims at being one of the major contributors to a growing financial services sector in Malta within a serious and prestigious regulatory framework.
The IFSP is run by an annually elected Council of sixteen members and managed by a secretariat who have been seconded to FinanceMalta.