Camilleri Preziosi Advocates

Malcolm Falzon

Malcolm’s areas of specialisation are capital markets, mergers & acquisitions, fintech, insurance and pensions and gaming and gambling law. Malcolm heads the capital markets team within the firm. He assists local and foreign clients on legal both debt and equity issues in the local capital markets, as well as on a number of corporate and commercial matters in industry sectors such as gaming and insurance. He frequently advises clients on projects comprising a combination of his areas of specialisation, particularly those that have a capital markets or an M&A dimension. Malcolm also leads Camilleri Preziosi’s Fintech team and heads the ESG Finance team.

Malcolm joined the firm as a Trainee in 2003. Upon his return from postgraduate studies in 2005, he was made Associate. He was admitted to partnership in 2013.

Malcolm Falzon

Empowering financial services

Empowering financial services

Speaker's Agenda

11:50 am
Riding the Blue Wave: Financing the Blue Economy

Panel Session: As global awareness of environmental sustainability continues to grow, the Blue Economy has emerged as a crucial area for investment that supports both economic growth and ecological balance. This session will delve into the vital role that sustainable finance plays in nurturing and expanding the Blue Economy—encompassing everything from sustainable fishing and aquaculture to marine renewable energy and eco-tourism.

Join our expert panelists as they explore innovative financial strategies and investment opportunities within the Blue Economy. They will discuss the latest trends, the importance of risk assessment and management in marine and coastal projects, and how finance can be a catalyst for supporting sustainable ocean-based industries.

Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in financing the Blue Economy, as well as insights into how these financial practices contribute to a sustainable future for our planet's oceans.

Moderator: Malcolm Falzon, Partner, Camilleri Preziosi

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